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Santiage Creek Bike Trail

Santiago Creek Greenway Alliance 

Working Toward a Greener Creek

Who We Are

A Public Benefit Nonprofit 501(c)(3)

We are a group of volunteers dedicated to improving public use of the Santiago Creek.  The Santiago Creek begins in the mountains above Irvine Regional Parks in the City of Orange and flows through Villa Park and Santa Ana to the Santa Ana River.  From the moment we started our work in 1991, we understood that by working together we could achieve our mission to improve the beauty and access to Santiago Creek.  


What We Do

Our Mission is to create a greenway and trail system along the general course of Santiago Creek and to preserve and enhance its ecological scenic, historical and recreational resources.

Girls Scout Volunteers working in Santiago Creek with Juliette Galera


Political Action to Support the Creek

Learn More
Girl Scout Volunteers working in Santiago Creek

Creek Cleanups 

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Join us!

Join us on March 8, 2025 from 9 to 11 am at the Cambridge site east of Hart Park on the Santiago Creek to pick up trash and remove invasive plants. Park on Cambridge street. Wear sturdy closed toe shoes and bring tools if you have them. 


Save the second Saturday of each month for a creek cleanup and check here for the location.


The next SCGA board meeting is the evening of March 26, 2025 in the City of Orange, location TBD. 

Quarterly Board

Our Board meets once per quarter. You are welcome to attend the next meeting. Reach out to us if you are interested in attending a meeting and/or getting involved.

Monthly Work Days

The cleanup days are once a month on the second Saturday from 9-11 am. Since the location varies, sign up for our email list to receive information about events and cleanup locations. Help care for our creek by picking up trash, pulling weeds, removing invasive plants, watering new seedlings, and sometimes even planting new trees and shrubs along the creek. 

Always wear sturdy shoes and be aware of your surroundings since the ground can be uneven and rocky. 


Group Events

We are happy to host a work day to plant trees and work in and around the creek.  We have worked with scouting troops, school groups, and company sponsored events.  Contact us to learn more and schedule a fun and rewarding day planting trees and working in the creek.

Subscribe to Our Email List
(This is How to Receive Notice of Our Monthly Work Days)

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